
How to Make a "Play Chart" Calendar

By Macaroni Kid Reporter Alexis (age 9) January 4, 2018
 (Editor’s note: Nine-year-old Macaroni Kid Junior Reporter, Alexis, recently created this play chart & wanted to share it with other Macaroni Kid M-WM families.  Here is how your MacKid can create their own!)

The reason I made this is to inform your neighborhood friends on what day and time you can play.

Supplies needed: paper and one of the following: crayons, colored pencils, markers or a regular pencil.

Steps: Divide your paper into 6 rows leaving a column to write in next to it, then make 5 columns by making each line intersect. Label the top ones the days of the week. Write your name and put play chart. For instance, I put Alexis's play chart. Then, make a key (Red: I can't play; Yellow: Maybe; Green: I can play). Lastly, label each day and put what time you can start playing and what time you need to go home. Once completed, you need to post it where your friends can see it. Under your doormat, on the window, or on your door are some examples.

Optional: Make a to-do list on what you want to do. For instance, I put to make friends with 1 of my neighbors.

Be sure and check off each week as it is completed. Make sure your friends do the same, so you will all be on the same program.

To submit your Junior Reporter's story, for more information,  or if your business would like to sponsor the Macaroni Kid Monroe - West Monroe Junior Reporting program, e-mail


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