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Note from the Publisher- August 3, 2020

September 3, 2020

Hi friends, 

Last Wednesday evening I went to bed with such a heavy heart for our state and what was ahead of us according to the weather channel. I didn't have the words and I'm not sure I do now. Our state and our friends and family have experienced catastrophic damage. They have lost homes and their businesses. They have lost their dreams, and hard work. Some of us locally lost power for days and some are still without power. Many had damage to their homes. Some drove miles for generators and used them for a few days til the power returned. As we watched the hurricane roll in, we hoped and prayed it would pass over just as quick as it came. After Hurricane Laura left and things were still and silent, I saw neighbors helping neighbors and families working together to pick up the debris. I saw friends in SWLA caring for one another and thier resilience has spoken volumes to me. Us Louisianaians know how to take care of each other. We can cook meals, pick up fallen tree branches for neighbors, clear out room in the fridge for others faster than anyone can. Nothing makes me prouder than to see our community selflessly serving others. We are so very grateful for all the linemen that came near and far to help restore power for our community. Many of them from other states helping our state get back to everyday life. I know we all agree that they are the real heroes. Hurricane Laura may have come and gone quickly, but the impact of my selfless community is burned in my brain forever. Friends, I hope in the days ahead you find all that you need in neighbors and friends. And I hope the rest of 2020 looks nothing like the first half. 

Talk again soon, 
