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A Level 50 Pokemon Go Player Shares Tips, Tricks, and Hot Spots

Pokemon Go Fest 2023 Finale, August 26 - 27, 2023

By Rickey Robertson, Publisher, Macaroni Kid, Monroe-West Monroe September 18, 2023

Are you ready to take your Pokémon Go game to the next level? Look no further than your Macaroni KID Monroe-West Monroe publisher, who just so happens to be a Level 50 Pokémon Go player! With extensive experience and knowledge, he is more than willing to share some tips, tricks, and local hot spots to help you become a Pokémon master.

The Twin Cities hot spots can be pivotal during a big event to help trainers prepare for and know where to go to refill while hunting their favorite Pokémon. This little guide will help you find where PokeStops are plentiful to refill supplies, where gyms are available for raids and other trainers are likely to be. 

Monroe Hot Spots

If you have the time to walk around a bit, Forsythe Park is over 57 acres. Part of that is a golf course, so you can’t walk around that area in the park. But there are PokeStops at both entrances and just about everywhere in between. Along with the nearly 30 pokestops, there are also 5 gyms where you can drop Pokemon to defend a few days before the event in hopes that you can receive your 50 pokecoin limit each day. There are 3 PokeStops within the immediate area of the old Swayze Natatorium, a gym, and several stops around the playgrounds. While you’re there, you can check out the “Forsythe WWII Tank” located at the American Legion Hall where there are also 4 pokestops within reach. And if you really play things right, you can walk down to the corner of Forsythe and Riverside Dr. to spin the stops at the Biedenharn Museum for a few bonus stops that aren’t technically in the park. It can make for a full afternoon of Pokemon walking around the free park in Monroe.  And several trainers are usually there during these events with whom you can exchange trainer codes.

Downtown Monroe (DOMO) is unbelievable when it comes to PokeStops. They are literally everywhere. Children MUST walk with an adult here. If you are looking for a quick ride-through for your ride-along Pokemon trainer to refill supplies, this is not a bad option. A ride through the River Market parking lot on weekends can quickly fill a player’s item bag. There are also several pokestops around the courtyard at St. Francis Medical Center and then along Desiard St from South Grand to the Lea Joyner Expressway overpass. There are also several gyms down there, so you can also usually catch a raid battle while driving through. A local group tends to caravan around during Raid Hour on Wednesday nights, so it can be a good place to meet players to expand your friends list in the game.

The Louisiana Purchase Gardens & Zoo is another spot that can keep your bag full. Once you pay your admission to the zoo, you can stroll through the exhibits and spin for hours. There are also several gyms there where you can battle in raids, take over gyms, and drop in your Pokemon to defend those gyms. At last check, there were over 20 PokeStops and 3 or 4 gyms there. It’s well worth the visit for a day full of family fun, food from the café, and a visit to the gift shop.

A bonus area in Monroe (since Kiroli Park is closed for a while) is the ULM Campus.  So many pokestops have been added since last year. There are nests on both sides of the bayou, so there are higher spawn rates for certain Pokémon in those dark green areas if walking campus, make sure to have an incense going, along with a lucky egg and a star piece to increase your game experience and get extra XP, stardust, and spawns!


West Monroe Hot Spots

The “BIG” spot to go during raid hour or GO Fest is Downtown West Monroe. There are literally stops EVERYWHERE. As soon as you reach the outskirts of Antique Alley, there are three stops on either end. Whichever way you go from there, there are additional stops around every turn. There are several gyms in DOWEMO, too. Once you park, you can walk along the sidewalks for about an 8-square block area to spin stops, battle in gyms, and catch Pokémon. If you get hungry, stop in at JAC’s Craft Smokehouse and sit on the patio. You’ll be able to soon 3 pokestops during your meal and possibly even use some lures to catch some extra spawns.

As we said earlier, Kiroli Park is temporarily closed. So, the other “BIG” spot to check out in West Monroe right now is Restoration Park. Restoration Park is a beautiful walking trail with elevated paths over off Downing Pines Rd near The Ike. There are several stations along the way that are PokeStops. It takes a lot of walking but could get you several new stops to put toward that Sightseer medal. Make sure to wear some good shoes and pack a water bottle.  But this is a trip that’s worth making.  Again, use your incense, star piece, and lucky egg to maximize your collecting.  

As you can see, Monroe-West Monroe is a hot spot for Pokemon GO players, and that’s just a few “HOT” areas. Several local businesses have PokeStops at them or near them, as well. In the meantime, you gotta catch em all. And you’re gonna need supplies to do it. Have fun and remember to be aware of your surroundings at all times and do not play while driving. See y’all out there!

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