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Quick Family Fun - Easter Edition

What is Easter? Fun educational video, quick air wave bunny project, community actitivies.

By Rickey and Missy Robertson, Publishers, Macaroni Kid Monroe - West Monroe February 14, 2024

Easter is a blast! It's a time to hang out with family and maybe even jet off to visit relatives you don't see often. This special season is packed with traditions like coloring eggs, baking Easter treats, and of course, the thrilling Easter egg hunts!

Keep an eye out for our upcoming 2024 Macaroni KID Monroe-West Monroe Easter Guide, but make sure to jot down a reminder that The Northeast Louisiana Children's Museum will be hosting their Easter Village event! They boast the largest chocolate Easter Bunny in the world! (You must have a ticket and we will share the link in the upcoming guide).

And let's not forget the buzz as Easter approaches, signaling the beginning of Spring with warmer weather and blossoming flowers all around!

Above all, Easter is a significant Christian observance that concludes the 40 days of Lent and celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Bible Museum at Biedenharn Museum and Gardens presents Scripture Through Many Eyes. This unique exhibit showcases the works of over 50 local artists who were randomly assigned scripture to interpret using the medium of their choice. Subjects include stories from the Old and New Testament, which may be as familiar as Adam and Eve, Noah's Ark, and Nativity. Additionally, there are lesser-known stories that may surprise the viewer. “Scripture Through Many Eyes” is a celebration of scripture and the range of human creativity. Expect to see artwork in many forms expressing creativity, humor, reverence, and an exploration of each artist's values.

For more fun facts about Easter and to find out where jellybeans come from, watch the video below:

Macaroni Kid Monroe-West Monroe Instagram

Do you want to do a quick craft and make an Air Wave Bunny? We hope you have lots of fun!

We hope you enjoyed the video and the fun craft! 

Now and always remember to think about others. Is there a friend you want to make a special treat for or a card with? You might know someone who could use some cheering up, you think about it and I bet you will know exactly what to do.

We wish you a Happy Easter and hope you make lots of memories with your friends and family and get lots of treats!