
10 Ways to be More Inclusive to Trick or Treaters this Halloween

Halloween should be a fun time for all kids, but unfortunately, some kids are left out.

By Kara Guillard, publisher of Macaroni KID Youngstown, Ohio October 22, 2023

Note from Your Publishers: Our partner publisher Kara Guillard, Macaroni KID Youngstown, Ohio has come up with a list of 10 very important parenting tips to make sure your Trick or Treating visitors have a more inclusive experience. Having a grandson who is sensory-sensitive has given us new insight and made many of her tips hit home. 

Macaroni Kid Monroe-West Monroe is very excited about participating in the Boo at the Zoo on October 28th, 2023 and Ouachita Green Fall Festival there will be a gazillion vendors (slight exaggeration) with each handing out goodies and we imagine lots of candy. We have decided, with the help of Sonic N. 18th, to hand out toys instead of candy. So, consider us a TEAL Pumpkin stop. 

Thank you, Kara, for such a thought-provoking article.  -Missy and Rickey Robertson, Macaroni KID Publishers Monroe - West Monroe

Halloween is a fun time of the year for many kids as they get to dress up in costumes and go trick-or-treating. However, not all kids can participate in this activity easily due to disabilities, allergies, sensory issues, etc. It is important to plan ahead and make sure that all kids can enjoy this holiday.

One way to create a more inclusive environment is to have non-food treats available for kids with allergies or dietary restrictions. This could include small toys, stickers, or other items that are safe for all kids to receive. Additionally, it is important to consider the sensory needs of some children. For example, some kids may be uncomfortable with loud music or flashing lights. By making accommodations such as turning down the music or having a well-lit area, we can make sure that all children feel comfortable and welcome.

It is also important to be aware of the needs of children with disabilities. Simple things like having a clear path for wheelchairs or providing a quiet space for children with autism can make a big difference. Overall, by taking the time to plan ahead and consider the needs of all children, we can create a more inclusive and enjoyable Halloween for everyone.

So, what are some ways to make sure all children feel included? Here are our top 10 tips to ensure all children feel welcome this Halloween.

1. Participate in the Teal Pumpkin Project

By placing a teal pumpkin by your doorstep, you signal to families that you are offering alternatives to candy, helping the 1 in 13 children living with food allergies or other intolerance and conditions enjoy Halloween. This doesn't mean you have to ditch the candy altogether, but offering a separate bowl of non-food items for kids can make all the difference. Need some ideas? Try bubbles, and rings, make and take crafts, pencils, bracelets, glow sticks, or stickers!

EvgeniiAnd via Canva

2. Set Up a "Just in Case" Station

You don't have to prepare for every emergency that may happen while others are trick or treating. Still, if you have extra band-aids, diapers, wipes, water bottles, or even extra bags out, you may prevent a family from having to go home early and miss out on trick or treating.

3. Understand if a Child is Not Wearing a Costume

There are numerous reasons why a child might not be in costume, from sensory issues to their family not being able to afford one or simply not having the time to go pick one out. Avoid bringing attention to a child's lack of costume, and possibly making them feel bad by allowing them to participate how they can.

4. Don't Expect a Thank You or a "Trick or Treat"

It's not always easy to tell what a child's capabilities are from looking at them. Forcing a child to say these things might make children with anxiety or those who are non-verbal uncomfortable or stressed.

AnnaStills via Canva

5. Provide a Clear Path to Where You are Handing Out Candy

As a former mail carrier, I tend to be over-vigilant when looking for slip, trip, and fall hazards. However, excited kids most likely won't think twice. You don't want your house to be the reason a kid gets hurt or has to go home early. On the other side of this, keep in mind that a lot of kids might require the use of a wagon, stroller, or wheelchair. Try to find a place to pass out candy or leave a candy bowl that doesn't require kids to go upstairs.

6. Let Kids Be Kids, As Long as They Can Be!

Kids only get to be kids for so long. If a child looks "too old" to be trick or treating, remember that we know very little about anyone from a short interaction such as trick or treating, and allowing them to participate causes no real harm. However, we never know the hurt we might cause by not including someone.

7. Keep Your Pets Inside

As pet owners, we want to show off our adorable furry family members as much as we can! Unfortunately, you never know how your pet may respond in every situation, or how a child may respond to seeing a pet. A stress response from either a child or pet may end in catastrophe. Keeping your pets in a safe location during the hours of trick or treating is the best way to avoid any unexpected situations.

Damedeeso via Canva

8. Avoid Strobe Lights, Fog Machines, Motion Sensor Decorations, and Loud Music

Studies show that on average, 1 in 6 children have sensory issues and could possibly find these items over-stimulating. Additionally, children with asthma might react to the particles in the air from a fog machine. What might seem harmless to some might cause a child to become overstimulated, have a meltdown, or have other reactions, leading to a not-so-fun early night.

9. Participate in Reserve Trick or Treating

Have extra candy that wasn't handed out? Did your own children come home with too much candy? Drop off candy to other kids who may not have had the opportunity to go Trick or Treating! (Be sure to check to see if the child has any dietary restrictions!)

Learn More About the Switch Witch for Candy Alternative!

10. Be Patient and Understanding

At the end of the day, we know very little about the children at the receiving end of trick-or-treating. Being inclusive starts with being understanding, even in situations we don't readily understand. At the end of the day, the most important part of trick or treating is making sure every child goes home safe and feeling included.

It might not always be possible to be inclusive to every child every time, but just doing one or two of the items on this list might make one child's whole Halloween just a little bit more special!