Top 10 Bee Facts for Kids
According to the National Wildlife Federation, there are over 20,000 species of bees worldwide, including the honeybee. The honeybee originated in Eurasia and was taken to places all around the world. Wild bees live on every continent except Antarctica.
Hives of bees were brought to the Virginia Colony from England in 1622 and honey and wax were first found in Louisiana in 1804. Take a peek at the "Beginning with Bees" provided by Louisiana State University - AgCenter. This guide will step you through the entire process of building a hive, teaching each bee's important role, its lifecycle, pollination, and more.
You will get to see them in action in the video below and learn about how important bees are to our survival.
Quick Garden Tip: LSU Pollinator Gardening in Louisiana
Free Webinar Series - Distance Learning for At-Home Beekeepers
LSU AgCenter is hosting an At Home Beekeeping Series. The At Home Beekeeping webinar series features speakers from multiple universities and the federal government. See the webinar schedule below. Each event will bring participants up to date on timely beekeeping topics.
Time for Q&A included. 6:30-7:30 p.m. CDT. Topics include:
• Jan. 31- Seasonal efficacy of Varroa treatments- with C. Jack (UFL)
• Feb. 28- TBD, with E. Amiri (MSU)
• March 28- BMPs from BIP: the National Loss and Management Survey, with G. Williams (AU)
• April 25- TBD, with L. Bartlett (UGA)
• May 30- Water foraging, with T. Webster (KSU)
• June 27, TDB, with E. Walsh (USDA-ARS) Join via Zoom or Join via Facebook Live.