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Understanding Burn Bans: Safety Information for Children

Information About Free Smoke Alarms and FREE Downloadable Helpline List

By Missy Robertson, Publisher Macaroni KID Monroe-West Monroe October 22, 2024

With burn bans becoming more common in many areas, it's a good time to teach their children about fire safety. By equipping them with the right knowledge and skills, you can ensure their safety during these challenging times. 

Here are some essential safety steps you can teach your children:

1. Understanding the Burn Ban:

Explain to your children what a burn ban is and why it's in place. Help them understand that it's a temporary restriction on outdoor fires due to heightened fire risks, such as dry weather conditions. During these times fire can spread very quickly.

2. Stay Informed:

Encourage your children to stay updated on burn ban announcements. Teach them where to find reliable information, such as local news websites or official government sources. This way, they can be aware of any changes or updates. 

Remember, they will likely hear information from friends, school, or accidental exposure on their electronic devices. 

Maybe asking Siri or Alexia is a good place to start. Let's face it, I would be so glad to hear updates on a burn ban instead of 1,000 different 'breaking wind' sounds. 

3. No Open Flames:

Emphasize the importance of avoiding open flames during a burn ban period. Teach your children to refrain from lighting matches, using lighters, or playing with candles. Make sure they understand that even small flames can quickly lead to dangerous situations.

4. Safe Cooking Practices:

Educate your children on alternative cooking methods during a burn ban. Teach them how to use electric stoves, ovens, or other safe cooking devices. Emphasize the importance of never using outdoor grills or any other open-flame cooking equipment during the ban.

Helpful Tips: The Monroe Fire Department offers "FREE" smoke alarms with installation to all City of Monroe residents. If you would like a smoke alarm installed in your home, contact our office at (318) 329-2475 to be scheduled for installation.

The City of West Monroe offers smoke alarms to citizens of West Monroe at no cost! Not only will we provide the smoke alarms, but we will also gladly come to install them for you as well.  If you would like to request a smoke alarm or schedule a time to install it, please call our administration office at (318) 397-0758.

The Ouachita Parish Fire Department has a "Get Alarmed" program that provides a working smoke alarm and teaches you how and when to test, maintain, or replace your alarms. This program is FREE and only for residents of Ouachita Parish who live outside of the City of Monroe or the City of West Monroe.

The Get Alarmed Program is typically adopted by all Fire Departments, if you live outside of the areas listed please go to the Louisiana Fire Department Directory to find a Fire Department in your area. 

5. Fire Safety Plan:

Develop a fire safety plan with your children. Teach them how to safely exit the house in case of a fire emergency, emphasizing the importance of staying low to avoid smoke inhalation. Practice fire drills regularly so that they know what to do and where to go.

6. Fire Hazards:

Explain potential fire hazards, such as leaving electronics plugged in, using too many electrical devices simultaneously, or leaving flammable materials near heat sources. Teach your children to be mindful of these hazards and how to prevent them.

3 Digit Hotline and Emergency Guide with a FREE Downloadable

7. Fire Extinguisher Training:

If age-appropriate, show your children how to use a fire extinguisher correctly. Teach them the PASS method: Pull the pin, Aim at the base of the fire, Squeeze the lever, and Sweep from side to side. Reinforce that fire extinguishers are for adult use only.

8. Reporting Fires:

Teach your children to immediately report any sign of fire, smoke, or burning smell to a trusted adult. Emphasize that they should never attempt to put out a fire themselves, but rather focus on getting to safety and alerting others.

By teaching these safety steps to your children during a burn ban, you empower them to make responsible choices and protect themselves from potential fire hazards. Remember to lead by example and maintain a calm and reassuring attitude, emphasizing that their safety is the top priority. Stay safe and enjoy peace of mind during burn ban periods!

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