
Celebrate National Pay It Forward Day with Your Kids!

We've included 11 great ideas to get you started and a link to Love the Boot Events

By Missy Robertson, Publisher Macaroni KID Monroe-West Monroe April 24, 2024

As National Pay It Forward Day approaches on April 28, 2024, it's the perfect opportunity to instill kindness and generosity in our kids. Teaching them the value of giving back, makes them better people and fosters a sense of community and empathy. We know how hard you work every single day to help your child live and give so we came up with some fun ideas to help get you started:

1. Create Kindness Cards: Help your kids make colorful and creative kindness cards with uplifting messages. They can distribute these cards to friends, family, or even strangers to brighten someone's day.

2. 5 Compliments in a Day: Everyone loves a little challenge. Give a compliment to 5 people in a day! Role play with your child, come up with several compliments together and start by complimenting each other. 

3. Bake for a Cause: Spend some quality time together in the kitchen baking cookies, cupcakes, or other treats. Then, take the goodies to a local shelter, fire station, or nursing home to share with those who could use a sweet surprise.

4. Neighborhood Clean-Up: Organize a neighborhood clean-up day where families come together to pick up litter in parks, streets, or playgrounds. Make it a game by rewarding the kids with small prizes for the most trash collected. (Love the Boot is happening during the week of April 20th - 24th, 2024.)

5. Plant a Tree: Teach your kids about the importance of environmental stewardship by planting a tree in your yard or a local green space. Not only does it benefit the planet, but it also leaves a lasting legacy of kindness for future generations.

6. Donate Toys or Clothes: Encourage your kids to go through their toys and clothes and choose items they no longer use to donate to children in need. It's a great way to declutter while teaching the importance of giving to those less fortunate.

7. Random Acts of Kindness: Challenge your kids to perform random acts of kindness throughout the day, like holding the door open for someone, complimenting a classmate, or helping a neighbor with chores.

8. Thank You Notes: Sit down with your kids and write thank you notes to teachers, coaches, or other influential adults in their lives. Expressing gratitude is a simple yet powerful way to spread positivity.

9. Animal Shelter Visit: Spending time at an animal shelter, helping to care for the animals or even organizing a donation drive for pet supplies, can foster kindness and responsibility towards animals.

10. Spread Positivity Online: Teach older children about the power of kind words on social media. Encourage them to post positive messages or share stories of kindness. This can be a powerful reminder of how the internet can be used for good.

11. Kindness in the Classroom: Teachers can incorporate kindness activities in the classroom, such as writing thank-you notes to school staff or creating a kindness bulletin board where students can post kind acts they’ve noticed.

National Pay It Forward Day is not just about one day of kindness but about fostering a culture of giving that lasts all year round. By involving your kids in these fun activities, you're not only brightening someone else's day but also creating memories and values that will last a lifetime. So let's celebrate kindness and make April 28 a day to remember!